FORIGO Roter Italia is proud to invite you to visit our stand at the ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA in Hong Kong from 6th to 8th September

Thanks to our continuous research in technology and mechanical engineering, we can provide solutions for the soil preparation which guarantee better quality crop, in an easier way in respect to standard methods. For example, our stone burier, fitting a counter- rotating rotor and a rear selector rake, guarantees a good shuffling of the soil, burying stones, grass, trash and at the same time, a good soil refinement level. We adopt specific and innovative mechanical solutions, in order to improve the fuel efficiency and reduce the mechanical stress for the tractor and the machine, resulting in a drop of the production costs. The

06 September, 2017
Thanks to our continuous research in technology and mechanical engineering, we can provide solutions for the soil preparation which guarantee better quality crop, in an easier way in respect to standard methods.For example, our stone burier (2nd picture), fitting a counter- rotating rotor and a rear selector rake, guarantees a good shuffling of the soil, burying stones, grass, trash and at the same time, a good soil refinement level. We adopt specific and innovative mechanical solutions, in order to improve the fuel efficiency and reduce the mechanical stress for the tractor and the machine, resulting in a drop of the production costs. The materials used to build our machines are also very durable, and, combined with an easy assembly of the machine, guarantee a drop of the maintenance costs as well.For example, our power harrow (3rd picture) series: very easy assembly, special tines mounting thanks to built-in tine holding screws, less material wearing, less obstruction by the soil and consequently less power absorption for the tractor.Our machines can be customizable accordingly to the customer’s needs and providing him full support, before and after the product purchase. In this way, a machine can be combined with different equipment in order to do various types of jobs in just one pass, consequently saving fuel and time.For example, any Forigo machine (4rd picture) can be fitted with various accessories; seeders, bed formers, any type of rollers, film stretcher, drip irrigation system and many others. These accessories can be combined all together as well! FORIGO ROTERITALIA Export Manager Mr. Gianluca Grossi will be glad to welcome you and illustrate our machines peculiarities and why they are so special.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea