Various modes of edible coating application vary in their coat dispersion and flm formation, hence the need to determine the most efective mode of application for cassava. Edible surface coatings have been found to be efective in preserving the quality of various food products. However, there are variations in efectiveness among the diferent coating solutions, hence the need for optimization of the concentrations of the gums used. This study aimed at determining the most efcient coating application method on the cassava postharvest quality.
Various modes of edible coating application vary in their coat dispersion and flm formation, hence the need to determine the?most efective mode of application for cassava. Edible surface coatings have been found to be efective in preserving the quality?of various food products.? However, there are variations in efectiveness among the diferent coating solutions, hence the need for?optimization of the concentrations of the gums used.This study aimed at determining the most efcient coating application method?on the cassava postharvest quality. Physiologically mature cassava (variety KME 1) was harvested and divided into seven portions.The various portions were coated using 1.5% xanthan gum, 1.5% xanthan/guar gum, and 2% xanthan/guar gum by both dipping and?spraying method. There was no signifcant diference on the colour, total cyanide, ethylene production, and total phenolic contentbetween the two application methods. The 2% xanthan/guar gum coating showed a signifcant diference on the dry matter content?while the 1.5% xanthan gum coating had a signifcant diference on the respiration rate and weight loss. The 1.5 xanthan treated?roots had a fnal dry matter content of 72.5% for the sprayed samples and 75.98% for the dipped sample while the 2% xanthan/guar?gum treated roots had a fnal dry matter content of 64.6% and 74.1% for the dipped and sprayed root samples, respectively. The?1.5% xanthan and 2% xanthan/guar gum treated roots showed no signifcant diference in their action on dry matter content. The?1.5% xanthan/guar dipped and sprayed samples difered signifcantly on their efect on fesh frmness with fnal values of 35.4N?and 46.1N, respectively, at 20 days afer harvest. This study suggested that based on the coating solution and the parameters being?observed, there generally was no varying efect of dipping and spraying methods of coating application. The choice of the efcient?mode of application to use will depend on other factors such as the easiness of application. SourcesInfluence of Coating Application Methods on the Postharvest?Quality of CassavaLoreto Atieno, Willis Owino,??Elijah M. Ateka, and Jane Ambuko HindawiInternational Journal of Food Science,?Volume 2019, Article ID 2148914, 16 pages Baked Yuca Fries (Cassava fries)?by Downshiftology, by Lisa Bryan