
Giró presents its new 100% cellulose net package

GRUP GIRÓ is constantly looking for new materials to find the best solutions for produce packaging. Therefore, Giró launches a new net package made of 100% cellulose, with the possibility of different colours. The Film, the part where you provide all the information about your products, is 100% paper with adhesive strips that are activated by the temperature, allowing the bag to close. Mesh and film are FSC certified cellulosic origin materials (AEN-COC-000401). Main features: - Girsac and Ultrabag 2 kg - Manufactured for any GirBagger S by adding an extra kit - Up to 30 bags per minute (1 kg) This container, completely free of plastic, is 100% recyclable in the paper and cardboard container.

02 February, 2022
GRUP GIRÓ is constantly looking for new materials to find the best solutions for produce packaging. Therefore, Giró launches a new net package made of 100% cellulose, with the possibility of different colours. The Film, the part where you provide all the information about your products, is 100% paper with adhesive strips that are activated by the temperature, allowing the bag to close. Mesh and film are FSC certified cellulosic origin materials (AEN-COC-000401). Main features:     - Girsac and Ultrabag 2 kg    - Manufactured for any GirBagger S by adding an extra kit    - Up to 30 bags per minute (1 kg) This container, completely free of plastic, is 100% recyclable in the paper and cardboard container.
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