
Global Survey on potato, and other extensive crops, losses

The Crop Loss Subject Matter Committee of the International Society of Plant Pathology, ISPP, started a Global Survey on Crop Losses, and invites to participate through the following message: We are very pleased to report to you that this effort is encountering a very clear success, with about 450 responses from more than 80 contributing colleagues from all over the world. Turn-out from Brazil, the USA, Australia, or South Africa, for

16 December, 2016


The Crop Loss Subject Matter Committee of the International Society of Plant Pathology, ISPP, started a Global Survey on Crop Losses, and invites to participate through the following message: We are very pleased to report to you that this effort is encountering a very clear success, with about 450 responses from more than 80 contributing colleagues from all over the world. Turn-out from Brazil, the USA, Australia, or South Africa, for example, is quite impressive. We want to already thank all the colleagues who have contributed.? The reach of the survey however intends to be global.?Any additional responses, from anywhere in the world, will help?generating a better overall image of the importance of diseases and pests on five major world crops: wheat, rice, soybean, maize, and potato. More inputs, especially from key agricultural countries in the world such as?China,?India, and?Sub-Saharan Africa?as a whole, would be most useful. If you have not yet contributed to this global effort, we would be very glad if you would consider doing so. The questionnaire developed for this survey has been devised to be simple and flexible, so that you would need as little of your time to provide inputs. Please use the following link: will provide you with information about this project, and which will take you directly to the survey questionnaire.? This is a global effort, which is undertaken under the aegis of the ISPP. We cannot possibly have reached all potential contributors to this survey.?Please feel free to circulate this message to colleagues. We would be very glad if you could respond to this questionnaire as soon as you possibly can within the coming weeks, and in any case, before January 31, 2017. Any results that can yield analyses will be reported with due recognition of contributors to the survey. Sincerely,Serge Savary, Chair, ISPP Crop Loss Subject Matter Committee, Centre INRA de Toulouse, FranceAndy Nelson, ITC, University of Twente, The NetherlandsLaetitia Willocquet, Centre INRA de Toulouse, FranceSarah Pethybridge, Cornell UniversityAsimina Mila, North Carolina State UniversityPaul Esker, University of Costa RicaNeil McRoberts, UC Davis? For further queries please e-mail to:? The next Congress of the ISPP is 2018: ?
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