Cooling and CA

Interko in Asia Fruit Logistica 2015

INTERKO, the ripening systems specialist, participated as last year in last Asia Fruit Logistica, held from 3 to 5 September. The business of ripening of bananas is shows an important development in Southeast Asia; combined with the increasing market demand for ready-to-eat fruits, the process becomes increasingly of interest for other species such

30 November, -0001
INTERKO, the ripening systems specialist, participated as last year in last Asia Fruit Logistica, held from 3 to 5 September. The business of ripening of bananas is shows an important development in Southeast Asia; combined with the increasing market demand for ready-to-eat fruits, the process becomes increasingly of interest for other species beside bananas, such as mangoes or avocados, between others. Interko offers cutting-edge, cost­-effective and low-­maintenance ripening systems that are custom-made to solve specific needs, from as little as one box to as many as 90 pallets. Over 50 countries across the globe count on it.Key wordsPoscosecha    postcosecha    postharvest    na-oes    ?? ??? ??????    ??        post-récolte    ???? ?? ?????????        na-oogst    post-raccolta    Obróbka po    pós-colheita    ??????????????    hasat sonras?        Ernte    ??????????????    ???? ???????????    postcollita    poskliz?ové    ??    ?? ?        nakon branja    pozberové        obdelovanje zemlje po    post-colleita    ????? ?????    pascapanen    Éilíonn postharvest    ????    p?c ra?as    derliaus apdirbimas po    lepas tuai    ?? ?? ??????    post-recoltare    ?????? ?????    ?????????????????    ???????????    ???????????????    sau thu ho?ch    ???????????????    zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna         Maduración    maturation    ripening    rypwording    ??????    ??    maturi?ante    maturité    ?????????    ????    rijpen    maturazione    dojrzewania    amadurecimento    ??????????    olgunla?ma    ?????????    Reifung                                                                                        Mango                ?????    ??    tenilo    mangue    ??????    ??                manga    ?????        ??    Aguacate    palta    avocado    avokado    ???????    ??        avocat    ????????    ???????            awokado    abacate    ???????        avocado ??                                                           
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