Cooling and CA

International expansion of the the specialist in industrial doors and precooling systems

As every year, BG Door participated in Fruit Logistica exhibiting the industrial door solutions and the precooling systems, as well as the regular improvements, due the continuous I+D efforts. The news for the 2019 edition were the gastight pass doors for ripening rooms and the adjustable side curtains for ripening room interiors. The gastight pass doors for ripening rooms is fully integrated in the sectional door and makes it easy to access for product quality control. This integrated door is matching air permeability Class 6 and meets the world's highest safety regulations for emergency exit. The adjustable side curtains for ripening room interiors are electrically operated and in height adjustable ? ensuring an optimal airflow when different pallet heights are being used. It allow an even better control of the ripening process of

26 February, 2019
As every year, BG Door participated in Fruit Logistica exhibiting the industrial door solutions and the precooling systems, as well as the regular improvements, due the continuous I+D efforts.  The news for the 2019 edition were the gastight pass doors for ripening rooms and the adjustable side curtains for ripening room interiors. The gastight pass doors for ripening rooms is fully integrated in the sectional door and makes it easy to access for product quality control. This integrated door is matching air permeability Class 6 and meets the world's highest safety regulations for emergency exit.The adjustable side curtains for ripening room interiors are electrically operated and in height adjustable – ensuring an optimal airflow when different pallet heights are being used. It allow an even better control of the ripening process of tropical fruits like avocado, mango and many others. Also used for partial loaded rooms.Also new for the 2019 edition of Fruit Logistica was the participation in BG Door stand of Ecotop® Ripening Australia, BG Door International new Australian branch.The picture shows Steve Oakley, Ecotop® Ripening Australia (left), and Jan van Kessel, DEO of BG Door.  
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