
IV Blueberry Conference

The upcoming IV annual Highbush Blueberry Conference will be held on 3 ? 4 March, at the Mazurkas Hotel located in O?ar?w Mazowiecki near Warsaw. We hope that this year?s accommodations will be as convenient as in previous years. The hotel features spacious

30 July, 2021


The upcoming IV annual Highbush Blueberry Conference will be held on 3 ? 4 March, at the Mazurkas Hotel located in O?ar?w Mazowiecki near Warsaw.We hope that this year?s accommodations will be as convenient as in previous years. The hotel features spacious conference areas and a large exhibition space, and is easily accessible from all major transport hubs in Warsaw.This year?s main theme is GLOBALIZATION and its impact on the industry. Blueberries have truly become a global product and are present all over the world throughout the whole year, reaching the most distant markets, gaining consumers? appreciation and recognition for their health and nutritional benefits. One might ask what is the perception of Polish blueberries on this global market? What requirements should the producers fulfill? Can we reach distant and exotic markets with our products?We will try to address the above and many other issues during the conference. We will try to determine the role of marketing in our business and whether it is crucial for a successful sales campaign to create an individual brand name. We will also discuss the importance of introducing new varieties.The second day of the event will traditionally be a study tour, focusing on practical issues related to running a blueberry farm.If you are interested in growing or trading blueberries, then join us at the IV Highbush Blueberry Conference! More information, below.
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