
Lightening of Hydrangea macrophylla ?Clarissa?to get more compact plants and one week earlier flowering

In this study, the main objective was to evaluate the impact of lighting conditions and to test effects of continuous lighting and light quality on morphology, number of flowering shoots, flowering time and postharvest transpiration. Hydrangea macrophylla ?Clarissa? was forced in controlled climate chambers. Extending the photoperiod from 16 h to 24 h with high pressure sodium lamps (HPS) did not affect forcing time or morphology but postharvest transpiration was more than 50% higher when the plants were forced at 24 h compared to 16 h lighting. Additional blue light (30% BL, 400-500 nm) in combination with HPS (HPS + B) did not change the

01 October, 2018


In this study, the main objective was to evaluate the impact of lighting conditions and to test effects of continuous lighting and light quality on morphology, number of flowering shoots, flowering time and postharvest transpiration. Hydrangea macrophylla ?Clarissa? was forced in controlled climate chambers. Extending the photoperiod from 16 h to 24 h with high pressure sodium lamps (HPS) did not affect forcing time or morphology but postharvest transpiration was more than 50% higher when the plants were forced at 24 h compared to 16 h lighting. Additional blue light (30% BL, 400-500 nm) in combination with HPS (HPS + B) did not change the postharvest transpiration compared to HPS but resulted in more compact plants and one week earlier flowering. White light emitting diodes (LEDs) with 20% BL induced more compact plants compared with HPS but the flowering was delayed with one week and postharvest transpiration increased compared to HPS. SourcesIMPACT OF LIGHTING CONDITIONS DURING FORCING ON FLOWERING TIME,?MORPHOLOGY AND POSTHARVEST TRANSPIRATION OF Hydrangea macrophyllaSissel Torre1* , Meseret Tesema Terfa21Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Bioscience, Department of Plant Sciences, Norway2Hawassa University, Awassa, Ethiopia*sissel.torre@nmbu.noICH2018 Istanbul, 30th International Horticultural Congress, 12-16 August 2018, TurkeyPicture by?Coolings Online Co. UK ? ?
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