
Official Statement from Citrosol Regarding the Fire at Their Facilities in Potries

After the fire that occurred on the night of October 26th in our facilities, we, at Citrosol, would like to send a message of tranquillity to our customers and collaborators. In spite of the material damages suffered, which partially affected the manufacturing area, we were fortunate to avoid any injuries. The company and staff would like to thank the fire department for their hard work, as well as those employees who were on hand to assist them in bringing the fire under control and extinguishing it. We have implemented all the necessary measures to reorganize our production process, which will be carried out both in the areas of the Potries plant, unaffected by the fire, and in our Beniparrell plant, which remains fully active, so that our customers will continue to receive their orders as normal. In addition, we would like to thank customers, collaborators, nearby companies and other companies within the sector, as well as the Potríes Local Authority for all of their support, solidarity and best wishes.

27 October, 2023
After the fire that occurred on the night of October 26th in our facilities, we, at Citrosol, would like to send a message of tranquillity to our customers and collaborators. In spite of the material damages suffered, which partially affected the manufacturing area, we were fortunate to avoid any injuries. The company and staff would like to thank the fire department for their hard work, as well as those employees who were on hand to assist them in bringing the fire under control and extinguishing it. We have implemented all the necessary measures to reorganize our production process, which will be carried out both in the areas of the Potries plant, unaffected by the fire, and in our Beniparrell plant, which remains fully active, so that our customers will continue to receive their orders as normal. In addition, we would like to thank customers, collaborators, nearby companies and other companies within the sector, as well as the Potríes Local Authority for all of their support, solidarity and best wishes.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea