
Poorest results for peppers packaged in styrofoam tray coated with PVC

The chilli peppers (Capsicum chinense) belongs to the family Solanaceae and genus Capsicum which comprises the majority of peppers in Brazil. The peppers are part of the richness of Brazilian culture, besides being part of the immense biodiversity of our native land. Its characteristics attributed color and flavor to foods to make them more attractive. Given the scarcity of data on postharvest quality scent of chilli peppers, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of

06 April, 2021


The chilli peppers (Capsicum chinense) belongs to the family Solanaceae and genus Capsicum which comprises the majority of peppers in Brazil. The peppers are part of the richness of Brazilian culture, besides being part of the immense biodiversity of our native land. Its characteristics attributed color and flavor to foods to make them more attractive. Given the scarcity of data on postharvest quality scent of chilli peppers, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of three different types of packaging on the shelf life of chilli peppers ?cheiro? (Capsicum chinense) stored under refrigeration for 10 days . The chilli peppers were harvested, selected, washed, sanitized and stored in different packaging BOD (8 ? 1 ?C, 90 ? 5% RH) for 10 days. The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD) in a 3x6 factorial design, with three different packaging:- Styrofoam tray (15x15x3cm) coated with PVC (14 micron), - Polyethylene bag, and - Polystyrene cup with 500 mL volume) and 6 times storage (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days). The analyzes performed every two days were: weight loss, firmness, color and external appearance evaluation. The peppers were stored in trays with the highest mass losses compared with other packaging during storage, with storage at the end of a mass loss of 10.27%. The firmness of chilli peppers stored in polystyrene trays covered with PVC increased by the end of the storage period, a fact that may be explained by greater water loss for the fruits of such treatment which made them more resistant penetrometer, since tissues were less turgid. Independent packing the peppers kept the color. From the second day of storage the external quality of peppers stored in trays packaging was inferior to the other two receiving score equivalent to 1 - 25% of damage, while the other treatments began to change the external appearance only on the fourth day evaluation. Chili trays at the end of the evaluation showed damage in almost 100% of the fruits receiving grade 5. The package consists of polystyrene tray covered with PVC film provides higher weight loss and firmness, and therefore less suitable for storage at 8 ?C chilli peppers ?cheiro?.Pictures1 - Polystyrene cup with 500 mL volume2 - Polyethylene bag3 - Styrofoam tray (15x15x3cm) coated with PVC (14 micron) SourcesMAINTAINING POSTHARVEST QUALITY OF CHILLI PEPPERS (CAPSICUN CHINENSE) STORED UNDER MODIFIED ATMOSPHERENunes Carvalho, E.E.1(*), Pinto Cerqueira, A.2 and de Oliveira Garcia, B.2 elisangelacarvalho@dca.ufla.br1 Department of Food Science, Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, MG, Brazil2 Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), Gurupi, Tocantins, Brazil CA MA 2013, XI International Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference, Trani ?(Italy), 3-7 June 2013, kindly sent by Dra. Elisangela Carvalho. Key wordsPoscosecha ???postcosecha ???postharvest ???na-oes ????? ??? ?????? ????? ????? post-r?colte ??????? ?? ????????? ????? na-oogst ???post-raccolta ???Obr?bka po ???p?s-colheita ????????????????? ???hasat sonras? ????? Ernte ????????????????? ??????? ??????????? ???postcollita ???poskliz?ov? ????? ????? ? ????? nakon branja ???pozberov? ????? obdelovanje zemlje po ???post-colleita ???????? ????? ???pascapanen ????il?onn postharvest ??????? ???p?c ra?as ???derliaus apdirbimas po ???lepas tuai ????? ?? ?????? ???post-recoltare ????????? ????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????? ???sau thu ho?ch ?????????????????? ???zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna ????? ?Pimiento ???morr?n ???pepper ???peper ??????? ????? ???pipro ???poivre ????????? ??????? ????? ????? pepe ???pieprz ???pimenta ???????? ???biber ??????? ??? ????? ???
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