The quality of pineapple guava fruit during postharvest storage depends directly on the quality they have at the time of collection, which is influenced by climatic conditions during growth. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of climatic conditions on some parameters of fruit quality during postharvest storage, for which 20 trees per farm were scored in two localities of the department of Cundinamarca (Colombia), where weather conditions were recorded during fruit development until harvest, during the years 2012 to 2014. The fruits were differentiated by the site of origin (San Francisco de Sales: 1,800 m a.s.l., 20.6?C, 63-97% relative humidity (RH ), 1,493 mm annual rainfall. Tenjo: 2,580 m a.s.l., 12.5?C, 74-86% RH, 765 mm annual rainfall ) and stored at temperatures of 18?1?C (76?5% RH, for 11 days) and 5?1?C (87?5% RH for 31 days), with assessment of
The quality of pineapple guava fruit during postharvest storage depends directly on the quality they have at the time of collection, which is influenced by climatic conditions during growth. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of climatic conditions on some parameters of fruit quality during postharvest storage, for which 20 trees per farm were scored in two localities of the department of Cundinamarca (Colombia), where weather conditions were recorded during fruit development until harvest, during the years 2012 to 2014. The fruits were differentiated by the site of origin (San Francisco de Sales: 1,800 m a.s.l., 20.6?C, 63-97% relative humidity (RH ), 1,493 mm annual rainfall. Tenjo: 2,580 m a.s.l., 12.5?C, 74-86% RH, 765 mm annual rainfall ) and stored at temperatures of 18?1?C (76?5% RH, for 11 days) and 5?1?C (87?5% RH for 31 days), with assessment of the quality attributes every 2 days. The results indicate that the fruit stored at higher temperature (18?C) are sweeter, had more weight and firmness loss, as well as with lower acidity and durability in postharvest and are determined by the quality of these at harvest. It is observed that at the high altitude (2,580 m a.s.l.), the soluble solids content and the loss of firmness increased, while titratable acidity and total weight loss are lower. Keywords: Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret, weight loss, soluble solids, titratable acidity, firmness. SourcesPost-harvest quality of feijoa fruits in response to two contrasting altitudinal locations in Cundinamarca, ColombiaLa calidad poscosecha de frutos de feijoa en respuesta a dos localidades altitudinales contrastantes en Cundinamarca, ColombiaAlfonso Parra-Coronado1, Gerhard Fischer2, Jes?s Hern?n Camacho-Tamayo31,3 Departamento de Ingenier?a Civil y Agr?cola, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, direcci?n postal: 1113212 Departamento de Agronom?a, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, direcci?n postal: 111321IX Congresso Ib?rico de Agroengenharia ? IX congresso ib?rico de Agroingenier?a, Bragan?a, Portugal, from 4 to 6 of September 2017.Pictures,