
Pre and post-harvest dehydration conditions seem to promote rind breakdown of Okitsu Satsuma mandarin

Satsuma group is the main mandarin produced in Uruguay, being Okitsu the most important cultivar, representing 26% of their production. In the last years, during postharvest it has appeared a rind breakdown that causes important losses, with incidence varying among years. In a 2-year-study we characterized microscopic and macroscopic damage, its association to environmental pre-harvest conditions and the effect of post-harvest fruit degreening and waxing on its incidence. The onset of cell damage could be microscopically detected in a few symptomless fruits sampled during the 2nd

30 January, 2017


Satsuma group is the main mandarin produced in?Uruguay, being Okitsu the most important cultivar, representing?26% of their production. In the last years, during?postharvest it has appeared a rind breakdown that causes?important losses, with incidence varying among years. In a?2-year-study we characterized microscopic and macroscopic?damage, its association to environmental pre-harvest conditions?and the effect of post-harvest fruit degreening and?waxing on its incidence. The onset of cell damage could be?microscopically detected in a few symptomless fruits sampled?during the 2nd phase of fruit growth. Tissue damage?increased during post-harvest, even without macroscopic?symptoms. After 15 days of cold storage, irregular brownish?areas started to appear in the peel; symptoms darken?and depress afterwards. Oil glands and cuticle were not?affected. In the first year, the highest rind breakdown incidence?(24%) was associated to higher maximum temperature,?lower relative humidity and less precipitation during?the 2 weeks before harvest, compared to the second year?studied (7%). Fruit degreening did not affect rind breakdown?incidence after 30 days of cold storage + 15 days of?shelf life, while fruit waxing (polyethylene and shellac, 18%?TSS) significantly diminished it from 15% to 6%. Our results?suggest that pre and post-harvest dehydration conditions?promote this rind breakdown of Okitsu Satsuma mandarin. Original title and complete list of authorsOKITSU SATSUMA POST-HARVEST RIND BREAKDOWN:?RELATIONSHIP WITH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS,?FRUIT DEGREENING AND WAXINGZ?calo P1, Luz C da2, Rey F2, Speroni G2, Gravina A2 &?Gambetta G21San Miguel Uruguay; 2Facultad de Agronom?a, Universidad?de la Rep?blica, Montevideo, Uruguay;e-mail: Citrus Congress 2016 Picture by?
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