
Prestorage hot water treatment may be a useful non-chemical method of controlling A. alternata postharvest disease in tomato

There are many vegetable fruits recognized in Nigeria, but tomato, a vegetable fruit is a major food component, an ingredient utilized by every house hold and constitutes the national food security programme. The record confirmed that Nigeria produces approximately 1.8 million metric tons of fresh fruits for domestic consumption, with national demand of about 2-3 million tons per annum with a demand gap of about 500,000 metric tons. Tomato production is an important source of income to farmers unfortunately diseases such as Alternaria alternata
20 April, 2021


There are many vegetable fruits recognized in Nigeria, but tomato, a vegetable fruit is a major food component, an ingredient utilized by every house hold and constitutes the national food security programme. The record confirmed that Nigeria produces approximately 1.8 million metric tons of fresh fruits for domestic consumption, with national demand of about 2-3 million tons per annum with a demand gap of about 500,000 metric tons. Tomato production is an important source of income to farmers unfortunately diseases such as Alternaria alternata greatly increase food losses and methods of using synthetic chemical compounds can be costly and dangerous if applied by an unskilled operator and are often not available at the time when required. As a result this study focused on the effect of hot water dipping on the control of black mould disease caused by Alternaria alternata on red tomato quality. The efficacy of a prestorage hot water dip was investigated forreducing storage rot on tomato caused by Alternaria alternata. The in-vivo hot water treatment was carried out in three groups, viz-a-viz; first group consists of 30 and 50 C and tomato fruits were heated in hot water for 30 and 60 min respectively. The second group was 30, 40 and 50 C and fruits were dipped in hot water for 20 min. In the third group the temp was at 40, 45 and 50C and fruit were dipped in hot water at these temperatures respectively for 10 min. Furthermore, the hot water temp was increased to 50 and 55 C and inoculated fruits dipped for 5 min in separate hot water bath. In general, the result showed that dipping artificially inoculated fruit at 55 C for 5 min significantly reduced decay development caused by A. alternata. Conidia germination was more sensitive than mycelia growth to 50 C, but inhibition of both processes increased with the duration of time of treatment. Meanwhile, the in-vitro hot water treatment of Alternaria alternata spores at 50 C for 30 min significantly reduced spore germination and germ tube elongation of the fungal pathogen in 48h.In general, the in-vitro result obtained was attributed to the direct effect of heat on the spore germination as well as mycelia growth resulting in the reduction of the growth of the fungus on the inoculated red fruit. Splitting was observed on the pericarp (skin) at the point where inoculation was carried out after hot watertreatment at 55 C for 5 min but heating at this temperature did not affect red tomato fruit firmness and colour for 7 days at 20 C. Prestorage hot water treatment may be a useful non-chemical method of controlling A. alternata postharvest diseasepathogen.SourcesTHE USE OF HOT WATER TREATMENT BY SMALL HOLDERS FOR THE CONTROL OF ALTERNARIA LATERNATA THE CAUSE OF BLACK MOULD DISEASE OF TOMATOAnimashaun, M1, Bishop, C1, Callum, J1mufutauanimashaun@yahoo.com1Writtle College, Chelmsford, EnglandIHC 2014, International Horticulture Congress, 17-22 August 2014, Brisbane, by www.extension.umn.eduKey wordsPoscosecha?? ?postcosecha?? ?postharvest?? ?na-oes?? ??? ??? ???????? ????? ??? ?post-r?colte?? ????? ?? ??????????? ??? ?na-oogst?? ?post-raccolta?? ?Obr?bka po?? ?p?s-colheita?? ????????????????? ?hasat sonras??? ??? ?Ernte?? ????????????????? ????? ????????????? ?postcollita?? ?poskliz?ov頠 ????? ??? ??? ??? ?nakon branja?? ?pozberov頠 ??? ?obdelovanje zemlje po?? ?post-colleita?? ?????? ??????? ?pascapanen?? ??il?onn postharvest?? ??????? ?p?c ra?as?? ?derliaus apdirbimas po?? ?lepas tuai?? ??? ?? ???????? ?post-recoltare?? ??????? ??????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????? ?sau thu ho?ch?? ?????????????????? ?zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna?? ??? ?Tomate?? ??? ?tomato?? ?tamatie?? ???????? ?????? ??? ??? ?????????? ???????? ?tomaat?? ?pomodoro?? ?pomidor?? ??? ?????????? ?domates?? ???????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????
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