
Price decrease and software improvements for the Fruit Texture Analyzer

The Fruit Texture Analyzer by AGROSTA can work either as automatic penetrometer, or by measuring the force for a given deflection of any soft fruit. The software has been improved, and comes now with a light version of a free Excel software - So even without having Excel installed on your computer, you can generate, store and modify Excel files using Agrosta software. Its price has decreased, and is now 2750 ? transport included worldwide, which is the best price in the world for this kind of device. Have a look !

15 May, 2019
The Fruit Texture Analyzer by AGROSTA can work either as automatic penetrometer, or by measuring the force for a given deflection of any soft fruit. The software has been improved, and comes now with a light version of a free Excel software - So even without having Excel installed on your computer, you can generate, store and modify Excel files using Agrosta software. Its price has decreased, and is now 2750 € transport included worldwide, which is the best price in the world for this kind of device.
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