
R-PET punnets for a circular economy

INFIA, manufacturer of fruit punnets 125g - 500g and lids, will take part to Asia Fruit Logistica, Hong Kong 4th - 6th September 2019, highlighting its innovative packaging solutions, made from 100% recycled plastics, and identified by R-PET 80 ? 20 %. In 2016, more than 8.4 million tonnes of plastic waste were collected to be recycled inside or outside the EU. This goes in the same direction that help to achieve EU 2025 target of zero plastic to landfill (Germany already achieved it). The line R-PET 80 ? 20 % is the answer of Infia trying to reduce plastic waste in the sea. Microplastics that arrive to the oceans originated in city dust, road markings, marine coatings, personal care, tyres, synthetic textiles, and, in a 0.3% plastic pellets. Infia has always distinguished itself for a continuous push towards innovation. It was the first to believe in new materials

27 August, 2019
INFIA, manufacturer of fruit punnets 125g - 500g and lids, will take part to Asia Fruit Logistica, Hong Kong 4th - 6th September 2019, highlighting its innovative packaging solutions, made from recycled plastics, and identified by R-PET 80 – 20 %. In 2016, more than 8.4 million tonnes of plastic waste were collected to be recycled inside or outside the EU. This goes in the same direction that help to achieve EU 2025 target of zero plastic to landfill (Germany already achieved it).The line R-PET 80 – 20 % is the answer of Infia trying to reduce plastic waste in the sea. Microplastics that arrive to the oceans originated in city dust, road markings, marine coatings, personal care, tyres, synthetic textiles, and, in a 0.3% plastic pellets. Infia has always distinguished itself for a continuous push towards innovation. It was the first to believe in new materials such as PET, to propose models that revolutionized the packaging of fruit, and to introduce the track-and-trace programme for its baskets. Nowadays Infia proposes the 100% recyclable punnets with handles and the heat sealable punnets with side ventilation, extremely important in all soft fruits, allowing greater air flow and faster evacuation of humidity and condensation, helping to increase the shelf life of the product Infia´s process to R-PET 80 – 20 % starts from a minimum of 95% R-PET from food consumer origin.Attached a pdf explanation by Fabio Zoboli, Sales Director, Infia Group. About InfiaMore than 70 years have passed since Infia was born in the heart of Romagna. From the very beginning, its productive vocation has been addressed to the creation of innovative packing that could represent a winning solution to the new requirements in packaging, offering products that would provide the maximum protection and at the same time the valorisation of the goods. From the first baskets in wood to the innovative Kit line in PET, lots of work has been done. Today the company counts more than 400 employees divided between the productive areas in Valencia (Spain) and Bertinoro (Italy). 2017 Infia pproduced 3.3 billion punnets distributed in 78 countries 2017 Infia produced 30,000 tons of plastic punnets.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea