
Smart protection in Asia Fruit Logistica

For decades growers and packers have trusted Decco with the fruit of their labor. Decco has come through with the quality postharvest products, equipment, services, helping process countless billions of citrus, apples, stone fruits, potatoes, and many others... treating each piece like it was the most important one ever grown. Whether your are packing citrus, apples, or other fruits and vegetables, Decco postharvest solutions provides you with coatings, cleaners, sanitizers, fungicides, growth regulators and anti scald... In several countries Decco has also

22 August, 2019
For decades growers and packers have trusted Decco with the fruit of their labor. Decco has come through with the quality postharvest products, equipment, services, helping process countless billions of citrus, apples, stone fruits, potatoes, and many others... treating each piece like it was the most important one ever grown.  Whether your are packing citrus, apples, or other fruits and vegetables, Decco postharvest solutions provides you with coatings, cleaners, sanitizers, fungicides, growth regulators and anti scald... In several countries Decco has also developed equipment solutions with teams of mechanical representatives available to assit you with your packing needs. Following products and are highlighted in Asia Fruit Logistica: NATURCOVER Edible Coating Naturcover Avocado and Naturcover Citrus improves the postharvest quality through a fresher appearance, more shelf life, etc.More information Deccozil S-7.5 Fungicide controlling Penicillium molds on citrus, pome fruit, melons and bananasMore information Decco Lustr 444 Pineapple coating Is a concentrated coating agent based on microcrystalline wax and other food additives that delays deterioration both, outside and inside.More information DecconNatur Zero Residue Line Decconatur is a complete postharvest treatment line for fruits, that leaves zero residue. Follows the the complete range of products: Cold and Storage room’s sanitization Decco Aerosol Ultra: fogging disinfectant with fungicide action against a wide range of bacteria. Decco Aerosol Plus: sanitizer for empty rooms. Deccoklor: Used to disinfect surfaces Fruit’s sanitization Deccosol: detergent to clean fruits. Anti-fungal products Deccozero Decconature FH Deccoplus Coatings Citrashine Nature Doble: shining fruits with control over weight loss Citrashine Vegetal: vegetal coating to prevent weight loss Naturcover: Increases life span and it improves the appearance. More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea