
The most important for the storage of Valencia Late orange

?Cool chamber storage of Valencia Late" is the main topic of the Fomesa Fruitech monthly newsletter, Infopost 75, in Spanish language, but not the only one. In little more than a page you can find the main features for the long term storage of orange Valencia Late. Main objectives are to avoid the appearance of stains due low temperature, good control of rotten and reducing the maximum weight loss. Infopost 75 also reports about FRUITFOG-I, recommended as support

30 November, -0001
“Cool chamber storage of Valencia Late" is the main topic of the Fomesa Fruitech monthly newsletter, Infopost 75, in Spanish language, but not the only one. In little more than a page you can find the main features for the long term storage of orange Valencia Late.  Main objectives are to avoid the appearance of stains due low temperature, good control of rotten and reducing the maximum weight loss. Infopost 75 also reports about FRUITFOG-I, recommended as support treatment every 30 days after the entry of the fruit in the cool chamber. The newsletter also contains information on the program between USA-SPAIN for clementines.  
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