
The Topper usage during the conservation

Strong calyces and resistant skin for frigoconservation of 2nd season varieties Topper (Triclopir) maintains firm and fruit-bound calyces during the cold storage of those varieties intended for medium-long conservation and / or reserved for distant markets or overseas destinations (Ortanique, Nadorcott, Navel Lanelate, etc.).

20 February, 2017
In Infopost nº 115, FOMESA FRUITECH recommends the use of the Topper for: Strong calyces and resistant skin for frigoconservation of 2nd season varietiesTopper (Triclopir) maintains firm and fruit-bound calyces during the cold storage of those varieties intended for medium-long conservation and / or reserved for distant markets or overseas destinations (Ortanique, Nadorcott, Navel Lanelate, etc.). An important part of the commercial losses that occur in postharvest by rotting have their origin in the wounds or micro-wounds that occur in the peduncular area by detaching the calyx of the fruit. Maintenance and control of the leaf in fruit with leafThe application of Topper on fruit with leaf reduces significantly the fall and detachment of the leaf during the passage of the product by the line of preparation and its later commercialization, giving a fresher appearance.   More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea