


PacLife solutions for Blueberries, to keep the quality during a long period

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PACLIFE solutions for Blueberries comprise:

  • Dynamic Clear Flat Bag
  • Dynamic Clear- Fresh Cooling
  • Pallet Cover Fresh Cooling.

Dynamic Clear Flat Bag / MAP

New bag generation without bellows that allow a fast concentration of gases (24 hours), obtaining a percentage of CO2 higher than 3% in an atmosphere in equilibrium.

Due to its flat design with no bellows, optimum residual air removal and high efficiency with an hermetic seal is obtained.

Through a THERMO ACTIVE selective membrane technology and our patented technology (Pat Tech No. 50.344) incorporating the nano-compound Zeolite and other additives, it allows the conservation and export of fresh blueberries by sea to distant destinations, preserving its optimum condition, freshness, sensory and organoleptic properties for long periods.

Benefits for blueberries:

  • It preserves the fruit freshness by reducing dehydration and water loss
  • Delays fruit senescence and lack of turgor
  • Preserves sensory and organoleptic condition of the fruit
  • Maintains natural appearance and bloom.

Dynamic Clear / MAP

Packaging designed for blueberries cold storage and for long distances markets shipping. It maintains the condition, freshness and sensory properties of the fruit for long periods, by its Selective Thermoactive Membrane and its patented technolgy (Nº 50.344) that uses Zeolite nano-particles and other additives.

Benefits for blueberries:

  • It preserves the fruit freshness by reducing dehydration and water loss
  • Delays fruit senescence and lack of turgor
  • Preserves sensory and organoleptic condition of the fruit
  • Keeps fruit's natural appearance and natural skin blooming.

Fresh Cooling / Macroperforated and Microperforated

Macro and Micro Perforated low density polymer bags designed for fast cooling sealed or overlapped.

It design contains multi-additives that allow the condensation control and a high humidity maintaining; thus it is recommended at short and long distances shipping.

Benefits for blueberries:

  • Preserves the fruit turgor and fruit freshness by reducing water loss and dehydration
  • Preserves sensory and organoleptic condition of the fruit
  • Maintains natural appearance and bloom.


Pallet Cover Fresh Cooling / Macroperforated

New macroperforated low density pallet cover designed for protect the fruit from dehydration and weight loss, in the maintenance of the fruit and the transport for exportation.

Besides, it complies with USDA-APHIS WITH 0.9% of ventilated area, allowing his fumigation on destiny.

Benefits for blueberries:

  • Reduce the weight loss and visual dehydration of the fruit, retaining his natural bloom and appearance
  • Recommend for fruit which has to wait for process for more than 24 hours
  • Preserves turgor and freshness.
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Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea