Mocon launched the new Dansensor® CheckPoint 3, a MAP headspace gas analyzer

MOCON, Inc., a leading international provider of instruments and services for testing, measuring and analyzing invisible gases, has launched the Dansensor® CheckPoint 3 portable, battery-powered, headspace analyzer, which is being shown for the first time at Interpack, May 4 ? 10, Dusseldorf, Hall 5 / J03.

10 May, 2017
MOCON, Inc., a leading international provider of instruments and services for testing, measuring and analyzing invisible gases, has launched the Dansensor® CheckPoint 3 portable, battery-powered, headspace analyzer, which is being shown for the first time at Interpack, May 4 – 10, Dusseldorf, Hall 5 / J03. The CheckPoint 3 features the latest solid-state sensor technology which enables improved accuracy at twice the speed when compared to the previous model. The unit also offers improved measurement stability. It is ideal for a wide variety of food products in MAP including meat, seafood, cheese, snack foods, salads, vegetables, powdered milk and coffee. “Its accuracy capabilities are particularly meaningful when the food product requires a low oxygen concentration. The more accurate your data is, the better able you will be to meet your shelf life goals,” Nick Markussen, area sales manager, MOCON Europe A/S.  “Regarding its capability to provide results in less than 10 seconds, if you are running more than 100 tests per day, this improved capability benefit operating efficiencies.” Another key aspect is that the oxygen sensor on the CheckPoint 3 is expected to deliver more than a two-year “life” which represents a significant improvement. The extended sensor life means a reduction in total cost of ownership. In addition to its significant performance improvements, the CheckPoint 3 also features a dramatic aesthetic departure from the visual appearance of traditional industrial equipment. The red arch that is part of MOCON’s visual branding, has become a structural part of the analyzer. The hollow section under the arch also provides an ergonomic resting spot so that the user’s hand can cradle the unit. “We wanted to bring these latest capabilities to market via unique structural and visual attributes. The new structural design also enabled us to position the sensor in way to make it easier to store and use,” said Markussen. Additionally, the CheckPoint 3 features an intuitive graphic interface and is available in three models to meet a wide variety of food processor data needs. Depending on the unit selected, data can be accessed or settings can be altered via a web browser or a smartphone.
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