Quercy Réfrigératio

Quercy Réfrigératio

Cooling and CA

To maintain the water content of the fruit, as important as lowering the temperature

In preserving fresh fruit and vegetables, there is consensus that the main factor for success is keeping the temperature as low as possible without damaging the product. However, there is another factor, already recognized since the pioneering works of the middle of the last century, frequently left behind in consideration. In order to achieve the maximum shelf life of fruits and vegetables, it is a question of avoiding dehydration, preserving their natural water content. Researchers from the Postharvest Center of the University of Davis already said so, and yet, it has traditionally been a factor that has lagged behind in relation to temperature control, ... or there has been an

08 January, 2021
In preserving fresh fruit and vegetables, there is consensus that the main factor for success is keeping the temperature as low as possible without damaging the product. However, there is another factor, already recognized since the pioneering works of the middle of the last century, frequently left behind in consideration. In order to achieve the maximum shelf life of fruits and vegetables, it is a question of avoiding dehydration, preserving their natural water content. Researchers from the Postharvest Center of the University of Davis already said so, and yet, it has traditionally been a factor that has lagged behind in relation to temperature control, ... or there has been an attempt to control "by hand", wetting the soil cold rooms, something we've all seen. The pioneering American works recommended relative humidity of 100%, something difficult to achieve in practice, but which the tests showed gave the best results (except in species with dry parts, such as the cataphiles of onions and garlic ..., species for which optimal relative humidity is around 60/70% to prevent fungal growth). The NatureCold system, developed by Quercy Réfrigeration, is designed to comply with the indications regarding avoiding the dehydration of fruits and vegetables. In apples, a typical long storage species, Nature Cold makes possible conservations of 9 months without controlled atmosphere. The reduction in kilos due to dehydration is only 0.5% and no post-harvest chemical treatments are applied. The absence of free water prevents the appearance of rottenness. A suitable refrigeration installation and specially designed software control the system, which does not require periods of defrosting. The installation does not have a humidification system. Energy use is 40% compared to traditional systems. Both fruits, and the propagation material shown in the second image, benefit from an appropriate relative humidity. In the last three years, more than 200 installations have been carried out for pome fruit, grapes, plums, cherries and green kiwi.Catalogue The video below shows the kiwi storage of Sica des Gaves. HERE, the video for hte grape, plum cherries, green kiwis Système HD COLD by Cancel Fruitshttps://youtu.be/qVPRkKl0HE8 HERE, the video of the storage and grading system for organic apples, Juliet apples, red kiwis and peaches  
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