UP Umweltanalytische Produkte
UP Umweltanalytische Produkte

UP Umweltanalytische Produkte


FT7, Firmtech 7, to measure firmness and size of soft fruits


FT7 is discontinued but UP still gives support; please see Firmtech Eleven for new instrument.

FT7 Softfruit firmness measurment instrument Firmtech 7, by UP Umweltanalytische Produkte GmbH, is a hardware (with cherry-turntable) to measure firmness and size of softfruit.

It is a stand-alone unit with data-transmission to PC or Notebook via USB.

Main features include:

  • Optimized for cherries, blueberries, etc.
  • Cherry turntable and flat measurement-probe
  • Puncture probe available as option
  • Special turntables for plums and blueberries available


The Firmtech FT7 is the successor of the Firmtech 2 with the following main advantages:

  • No extension-card neccessary, communication through USB allows use with Notebooks and PCs
  • Works with all currently available Windows-Operating System
  • Special turntable for Blueberries available
  • Special puncture-probe for peel-firmness measurement.

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