International webinar on efficient tools for effective research communication and publication

The World Food Preservation Center, LLC, USA in association with Journal of Postharvest Technology, is pleased to announce a 3-day international webinar through June 12 to 14, 2020 to provide you with valuable guidance through your researcher journey, from beginning to end. Featuring eminent experts in various disciplines from different countries, this webinar will break down each step of the publication process and detail best practices for researchers and authors, with one on one interaction and hands on training.

05 June, 2020
The World Food Preservation Center, LLC, USA in association with Journal of Postharvest Technology, is pleased to announce a 3-day international webinar through June 12 to 14, 2020 to provide you with valuable guidance through your researcher journey, from beginning to end. Featuring eminent experts in various disciplines from different countries, this webinar will break down each step of the publication process and detail best practices for researchers and authors, with one on one interaction and hands on training. The webinar is aimed at the developing and underdeveloped world where research is growing rapidly and knowledge of the publishing process is still relatively basic. Different modules and on-line aids such as anti-plagiarism software (hands on training on Urkund and Turnitin), writing tools, basics of effective writing research and review articles, reference management, tools (Mendeley, Zotero, End-note), indexing services, advanced and effective literature search, useful for preparing research proposals and writing high quality research articles as well as authors’ rights and responsibilities have been particularly targeted.   Coverage- Scientific writing made easy: Dos and Don’ts- What editors expect in a submitted manuscript?- Publishing high impact review articles: points to ponder- Plagiarism: What it is and how to avoid it in scientific writing?- Reference management tools: Introduction and hands-on training- How to prepare a grant-winning research proposal?
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