Xeda International
Xeda International

Xeda International


Trends and Challenges in the Production and Storage of Potatoes in Spain

BioxM by Xeda is a phytosanitary product that allows for the control of sprouting in stored potatoes

15 January, 2024

Production and Conservation of Potatoes for the Industry in Spain

The production of potatoes destined for the industry is mainly concentrated in the region of Castilla y León, as widely known. Conversely, early and extra-early potatoes from southern Spain are intended for direct consumption and are grown in regions where the climate favors early harvests. The combination of a cold and dry climate has always been recognized for its ability to preserve, and in the tradition of Castilla y León, this has allowed extending the conservation of potatoes throughout the year.

In facilities designed for this purpose, nighttime ventilation is carried out to introduce cold air and thus maintain the storage temperature between 8-10 ºC. It is important not to excessively reduce the temperature, as the goal is to avoid the conversion of starch into reducing sugars, which could cause issues during the frying process. On the other hand, a high temperature encourages the sprouting of potatoes.

This year, in some cases, difficulties have been encountered due to the complexity of reducing the temperature in storage chambers, as most lack refrigeration equipment and external temperatures have sometimes reached 15 ºC at night. This situation, combined with the initially high temperature of freshly harvested potatoes, has made it challenging to control sprouting unless an appropriate technical strategy is implemented. In the future, it may be necessary to consider further adaptation of storage chambers, provided the profitability of the crop allows it.

Controlling Potato Sprouting with BioxM

In the market, there are various options for sprout control, each with its technical requirements and maximum effectiveness within a specific temperature range. Among these alternatives, BioxM by XEDA stands out, registered as a phytosanitary product for over 10 years in Spain and with a successful track record in various climatic regions worldwide.

BioxM offers flexibility in applications, both due to its adaptable dosage and its preventive and curative properties. Evolving specialized knowledge in the potato sector allows it to adapt to new challenges arising from changes in climate and the environment.

Regarding prices, in recent weeks, potatoes have experienced a good valuation, mainly due to shortages in France, where this tuber has been a solution to various problems.

However, a potential drawback for the upcoming season is anticipated regarding seed potatoes, as the majority come from the Netherlands, where they have faced numerous production difficulties due to adverse weather conditions

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