

Cooling and CA

Avocado ripening technology

By C.B. Maat and N.S.Y.M.C. Holswilder. Biblioteca Horticultura, July 2020. 19 pp

interko avocado.png
25 September, 2020
Cold and CA

Avocado ripening is a highly complex process that requires the understanding of a number of determining factors in order to achieve optimal results. Firstly, what does your end consumer want; ripe avocados or avocados to ripen at home? Secondly, what is the maturity, temperature and size of the avocados when they arrive at the ripening centre? Thirdly, what is the effect of the fruit’s spherical shape on the heating and cooling during ripening?

This article will provide a comprehensive explanation of the entire avocado ripening process; starting with why we ripen avocados in the first place. From demonstrating the inherent differences of avocados, to explaining the parameters that determine avocado ripening, and describing all the science that takes place, we will reveal how to perfect the ripening process.

Finally, we will detail how to choose the ideal ripening room, including a full run-down of the different types of rooms, curtains, tarps and fans, plus their advantages and limitations for avocado ripening.

This article belongs to the book “Cultivo, poscosecha y procesado del aguacate” (Spanish version)


About Interko

Interko is the global leader for the design, manufacture and installation of cost-effective, high quality and low-maintenance ripening rooms for fresh fruit, and cooling systems for the horticulture sector.

Founded over 50 years ago, Interko develops precise, advanced and energy-efficient systems that are built to last. Since its creation, Interko has installed over 7,000 ripening rooms for bananas, avocados, mangoes, papayas and tomatoes – the earliest of which are still in operation and performing well today. Every year Interko installs around 200 ripening rooms.

Sold in over 50 countries, Interko’s ripening rooms are designed to suit any operator. Ultimo, the classic bulk volume ripening room, can hold up to 90 pallets of fruit; Axesso allows users the flexibility to interchange between ripening smaller loads of fruits; and Optimo is a turn-key solution that can adapt to ripen varying volumes of fruit from 8 up to 24 pallets.

Interko's ripening rooms can accommodate numerous fruits including: bananas, avocados, mangoes, papayas, pears, apricots, peaches, kiwifruit and tomatoes, as well as perform de-greening for citrus.

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