STELLAR™: The New Early Apple Variety from the Hot Climate Partnership Adapted to Warm Climates

The STELLAR™ apple, juicy, crunchy, and bright red even when ripening in warm summers, will be officially presented at the upcoming international Fruit Attraction fair in Madrid.

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01 October, 2024

With just one week to go until the international Fruit Attraction fair in Madrid, the Hot Climate Partnership (HCP) is ready to unveil the new STELLAR™ apple variety: the world's first early variety specifically adapted to warm summer climates.

STELLAR™ marks a significant milestone in the realm of early apple varieties. The fruit, with its bright red color, is similar in size to Gala, but has the added advantage of ripening one to two weeks earlier, along with good storage capabilities that will appeal to both producers and retailers.

Joan Bonany, a researcher at IRTA and one of the developers of this variety, summarizes it well:

"The new STELLAR variety matures about 10 days earlier than Gala, making it the first variety to be ready in the production calendar. This means we can bring a fresh product to market in mid-summer, which, even in the warm temperatures of July and mid-August, develops a very bright and attractive red color. Combined with a crunchy and juicy texture, STELLAR is a highly interesting apple variety for the entire value chain."

Morgan Rogers, CEO of VentureFruit (the T&G Global subsidiary selected to market HCP varieties), is confident that STELLAR will greatly benefit producers:

"As temperatures rise worldwide, apples can ripen too quickly, and heat also affects color, texture, and yield. Innovations like the development of STELLAR™ are essential for providing producers with new varietal options specifically selected for warm climates, ensuring consumers can continue to enjoy apples with great flavor, texture, and appearance."

STELLAR™, also known by its varietal name “HOT81A1,” is the result of over 20 years of genetic improvement and scientific development, and it is the second varietal launch from the Hot Climate Partnership, following the successful introduction of the TUTTI™ apple earlier in 2023. While both varieties have been developed to withstand high temperatures, they also thrive well in the temperate climates of major apple-producing regions in Europe.

After a rigorous selection process, IFO has been chosen as the primary licensee for STELLAR™, utilizing an open tree marketing model that ensures more producers have access to the new variety and greater flexibility, as they can purchase STELLAR™ apple trees and label the fruit with the commercial name of their choice. Based in France, IFO is an international private company specializing in the research and development of new apple and pear varieties and rootstocks. IFO, along with its parent company Dalival, is part of the global INN nursery network. Farmers interested in purchasing and planting STELLAR™ are encouraged to contact IFO directly. Ultimately, STELLAR™ will be available to farmers worldwide, although its initial launch will focus on Europe and areas where plant material is available.

According to Rogers, the name STELLAR™ was chosen to highlight the exceptional qualities of this new apple variety:

"STELLAR has two meanings: ‘stellar’ and ‘magnificent’ or ‘exceptional.’ This name emphasizes the variety's ability to thrive in warm climates while delivering extraordinary color and yield, making it a star choice for both producers and consumers." Rogers also adds: "Each variety from the Hot Climate Partnership brings unique advantages and strengths. These first two varieties complement each other by addressing different producer needs, such as price and seasonal availability."

The Hot Climate Partnership was established in 2002 to address the challenges faced by Catalan apple and pear producers. It is a collaboration between the Catalonia Institute for Research and Agro-Food Technologies (IRTA), Plant & Food Research from New Zealand, the Catalan association of fruit producers Fruit Futur, and VentureFruit, T&G Global’s subsidiary for managing and marketing new varieties, serving as a strategic partner for the global marketing of the Hot Climate Partnership varieties. The program boasts an extensive portfolio of 13 apple varieties and 6 pear varieties, which are currently completing their final years of evaluation and pre-commercial trials.

Following the launch of the STELLAR™ apples, the Hot Climate Partnership has preselected two additional varieties expected to be marketed starting in 2025, both specifically developed to tolerate warm climates.

The VentureFruit team will be present at the BayWa Global Produce stand (Booth 10D20 - Hall P10) at Fruit Attraction in Madrid from October 8 to 10, 2024.

About IRTA

IRTA (Institute of Research and Technology for Food and Agriculture) is a research institute dedicated to R&D in the agro-food sector, focusing on plant production, animal production, food industries, environment, global change, and agro-food economy. The transfer of its scientific advancements contributes to the modernization, competitiveness, and sustainable development of agricultural, food, and aquaculture sectors, providing healthy and quality food for consumers while improving the population's well-being. IRTA is affiliated with the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Food (DARP) of the Generalitat of Catalonia and is part of the CERCA system.

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