
Low cost methodology for package optimizing according to realistic conditions

Numerous models are published integrating produce respiration data and gas transmission properties for the packaging material in order to predict the optimal equilibrium headspace gas atmosphere. Gaining the data needed for input in the models can be cumbersome, and data found in literature are often given in different units and not stated at the desired storage conditions, e.g. gas transmission rates are usually measured at 23?C. Respiration data might also show great variation due to variety, quality

10 July, 2020
Numerous models are published integrating produce respiration data and gas transmission properties for the packaging material in order to predict the optimal equilibrium headspace gas atmosphere. Gaining the data needed for input in the models can be cumbersome, and data found in literature are often given in different units and not stated at the desired storage conditions, e.g. gas transmission rates are usually measured at 23?C. Respiration data might also show great variation due to variety, quality and season, and literature data cannot automatically be transferred to own products. In this work a procedure for measuring produce respiration rates and gas transmission rate of the whole package is outlined. The respiration measurements are performed using low cost equipment and commercial packages as respiration chambers. The obtained results from the measurements for tested products were found to be in accordance with respiration data found in literature. The O2 - and CO2 - transmission rates of the whole packages were measured by a static method using a low cost gas analyser. The method can be used for packages with and without perforations, and it was also possible, within an acceptable accuracy, to calculate the transmission rate for a single hole. Both the respiration and gas transmission rates were measured at realistic chill storage temperatures. Finally, a simple model integrating respiration data and gas transmission data for the whole package was developed. Themodelled data was shown to be in accordance with empirical measurements for plums packaged in laser ? perforated pouches and for broccoli florets in sealed trays. The described procedure using low cost equipment and commercial packages is an alternative method for laboratories, packaging material producers, farmers and packaging houses to optimize their packages based on own measurements under realistic storage temperatures. Sources LOW COST METHODOLOGY FOR PACKAGE OPTIMISING FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLESLarsen, H.(*) hanne.larsen@nofima.noNofima - Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Norway CA MA 2013, XI International Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference, Trani (Italy), 3-7 June 2013The paper describing the methodology for determination of gas transmission rate in perforated and non-perforated packages will be published in the November 2013 issue of?Journal of Food Enigneering Pictures kindly provided by the author. ?
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