Maf Roda
Maf Roda

Maf Roda


MAF RODA exclusively presents groundbreaking and revolutionary cherry solutions to a select group of Chilean exporters

Throughout the tour, the Chilean exporters had the opportunity to visit cutting-edge facilities, exchange experiences with industry professionals, and explore new technologies and methodologies for cultivation and export

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05 August, 2024

The MAF RODA Group organized an exclusive expedition for a select group of Chilean fresh cherry packers to the United States, the main exporter of cherries to China in the northern hemisphere, with the aim of showcasing its latest sorting and automation technology for the fresh cherry packing process. Among the highlighted innovations were filling and sealing solutions not yet available on the market, which promise to revolutionize the sector.

During this expedition, two renowned producers and packers in the state of Washington, in the northwestern United States, were visited: Washington Cherry Growers and Gebbers Farm. These companies, leaders in the region and also exporters to the Asian giant, shared their work models and details of their market, from cultivation to processing and the export or sale of cherries in the domestic market.

The Chilean exporters had the opportunity to explore these facilities in detail and engage in discussions with managers and owners. The visits proved to be an enriching experience, allowing both parties to exchange impressions and compare operations in different parts of the world.

One of the surprises for the Chilean exporters was the high production per hectare and the notable proportion of cherries exported by air, compared to the Chilean market. This particularity of the U.S. market, characterized by high production and quick processing for immediate delivery to China, requires highly efficient and precise facilities for sorting and packing.

Both packers have opted for MAF RODA technology due to its reliability and adaptability, as well as the qualitative advancement in its latest development: the Cherryscan G7 and Cherryway IV quality and calibration systems. MAF RODA's systems, with their four-motion rotation and advanced quality system with multispectral cameras and Artificial Intelligence, have solved one of the main problems of other systems: the interference of the pedicel in image processing and visualization of the cherry's apical zone. This patented technology has been crucial in the purchasing decision, offering a precision in sorting that surpasses other systems available.

The Chilean exporters were able to observe firsthand facilities equipped with 2 and 3 graders in parallel with 28 and 42 lanes respectively, working with various cherry varieties, including Rainier.

This technological solution positions the cherry transversally, thus achieving a 360º rotation. The technology allows capturing images of the entire surface of the cherry, including the apical zone, with multispectral cameras at different wavelengths without interference from the stem, improving reliability and precision in analysis.

In addition to the quality systems, other innovative technologies were presented that enable a fully automated packaging process from unloading to palletizing, including the automation of quality sampling upon reception. These solutions, which are part of MAF RODA's approach to maximizing efficiency, include advanced production management systems, packaging systems in a multitude of formats, palletizing centers, and cutting-edge technology such as autonomous vehicles and robotics.

The expedition highlighted the strong rapport between Chilean and American exporters, all eager to learn and share knowledge. This experience has been especially valuable, given that the Chilean market is at the forefront of post-harvest technological advancements for cherries. Understanding and comparing global realities enriches the industry and fosters the development of new ways to improve production and competitiveness.

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