
Mango ? Quality defects in postharvest

?Which are the main defects in mangoes? The February 2012 issue of FruiTrop (nr. 197), explains it, with 20 pictures by Pierre Gerbaud: immaturity and spotting (upper picture, nr. 1), natural discoloration of the epidermis (2nd. Picture), sun scorch, misshapen fruits, scarred-over insect pricking, discoloration caused by scales,

22 January, 2020
?Which are the main defects in mangoes? The February 2012 issue of FruiTrop (nr. 197), explains it, with 20 pictures by Pierre Gerbaud: immaturity and spotting (upper picture, nr. 1), natural discoloration of the epidermis (2nd. Picture), sun scorch, misshapen fruits, scarred-over insect pricking, discoloration caused by scales, wounding with wind-caused rubbing (middle picture), mechanical wounds after picking, postharvest sap burn, postharvest soiling by sap, stalk too long, spotting on epidermis (4th picture), stalk rot, fungal infection, anthracnose type fungal infection (last picture), fruitfly larvae, overripeness, and internal breakdown caused by excessive nitrogen (high calcium and boron contents too). The same issue of FruitTrop contains a description of the main varieties of mango, including Tommy Atkins, Kent, Keitt, Osteen, Haden and Valencia Pride.
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