
Monday 4 June, the first outcomes from Project "Quafety" to be presented at CA MA 2013

The XI International Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference will be the first stage chosen by partners of Project QUAFETY to present their first results to the scientific community. |CA|MA|2013| is one of the major international events on the applications of controlled and modified atmosphere for the extension of postharvest life of whole and fresh-cut horticultural products. More than

29 April, 2020
The XI International Controlled & Modified Atmosphere Research Conference will be the first stage chosen by partners of Project QUAFETY to present their first results to the scientific community.|CA|MA|2013| is one of the major international events on the applications of controlled and modified atmosphere for the extension of postharvest life of whole and fresh-cut horticultural products. More than 200 scientist and industry representatives from more than 30 Countries are registered for the event, to be held in Trani (Italy) on June 3-7, 2013, and organized by the University of Foggia in cooperation with ISHS and DARe-Puglia ( A whole special session will be dedicated to QUAFETY (Monday, June 4 at 14:30), with 8 oral presentations. In addition, 14 posters will continuously be on display within the Conference poster floor.Project QUAFETY (Comprehensive Approach to Enhance Quality & Safety of Ready-to-Eat Fresh Products), co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program, is aimed to improve safety and quality of ready-to-eat fresh produce throughout the whole chain, involving 14 partners, from 7 Countries.?QUAFETY activities are proceeding smoothly with intense cooperation among all participants? said Giancarlo Colelli, QUAFETY Scientific Coordinator and Convener of |CA|MA|2013| ?and, since the Project is approaching its mid-term period, no better chance than this Conference to come out with first results to the public?. The conference book of abstracts will include all QUAFETY contributions and many of them will be also published in on |CA|MA|2013| Proceeding in a special issue of Acta Horticulturae, the scientific journal of ISHS. For more information:Prof. Giancarlo Colelli, University of Foggia, Italyg.colelli@unifg.it
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea