Cut flowers are traditionally used worldwide, regardless of caste, creed, and religion, especially in Asian countries. The global trade of cut flowers has shown a substantial increase in recent years and is expected to persist due to the promotion and application of horticulture plants for their various advantages .
The quality of vase life is critical in ensuring customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat purchases. Effective postharvest management is essential for enhancing the quality and extending the shelf life of cut flowers. With proper handling, cut flowers can last several days in a vase.
Nanotechnology presents innovative solutions for postharvest management, especially in the cut flower sector. Specifically, nanoparticles have been utilized in packaging to act as ethylene inhibitors and antimicrobial agents, contributing to the extension of cut flower vase life.
One of the strongest ethylene perceptions is 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), a gaseous and nontoxic that binds to ethylene receptors irreversibly, blocking the action of ethylene. Nano-Silver particles improve postharvest longevity by increasing water absorption rather than transpiration.
Additionally, Nano-Selenium enhances the water balance in cut flowers.
This review describes how nanoparticles suppress microbial growth and block ethylene action in cut flowers, extending their vase life.
Nanotechnology in floriculture: Extending vase life and improving postharvest quality
Keerthana, M | Beaulah, A | Rajadurai, KR | Venkatesan, K | Anitha, T | Ravi, R | Ravindran, C | Muthuramaligam, S | Rajamanikam, C