Quality of cherry tomato is best when the fruit harvested nearly full-ripe stage; however full ripen fruit was rapidly soften and lead to short the shelf-life. In this study, we investigated the effect on postharvest quality in full-ripe cherry tomato by 1-MCP and calcium chloride treatment. Firtstly, the optimization of each 1-MCP and calcium chloride concentrations in cherry tomato were perfoormed at 10, 100, 500 ppb and 0.5, 2.0,6.0%, respectively. We treated fruits with chosen concentration such as 500 ppb of 1-MCP and 2.0% of calcium chloride which were effective to delay the discoloration and softening of cherry tomato. Next, the
Quality of cherry tomato is best when the fruit harvested nearly full-ripe stage; however full ripen fruit was rapidly soften and lead to short the shelf-life. In this study, we investigated the effect on postharvest quality in full-ripe cherry tomato by 1-MCP and calcium chloride treatment.? Firtstly, the optimization of each 1-MCP and calcium chloride?concentrations in cherry tomato were perfoormed at 10, 100, 500 ppb?and 0.5, 2.0,6.0%, respectively. We treated fruits with chosen?concentration such as 500 ppb of 1-MCP and 2.0% of calcium chloride?which were effective to delay the discoloration and softening of cherry?tomato. Next, the fruit was treated 1-MCP, calcium chloride, and?combined 1-MCP and calcium chloride at 10?C. we investigated theirrespiration rate, physicochemical factors, antioxidant ability, and cell?wall metabolism. There were slight significant changes of all treatments?on respiration rate and ethylene production since the cherry tomato was?already approached to ripening stage. However, the maintenance of?firmness and color in 1-MCP treated fruit was longer than others. The?overall physicochemical factos of 1-MCP, calcium chloride and?combination treated fruits had higher than control. Our results suggest?that 1-MCP can be show the effect to prolong the postharvest quality of?cherry tomato in the advanced ripeness stage. SourcesOptimization of Postharvest Treatments using 1-MCP?and Calcium Chloride in Full-ripe Cherry TomatoWunna Thwin1, Min Sun Chang2, Yoonpyo Hong2, and Sooyeon Lim21?Postharvest research institute, Yezin, Myanma, 2?Postharvest Technology?Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, Wanju 55365,Koreahttp://conference.horticulture.or.kr/data/pdf/p_350.pdfPicture - Discoverfoodtech.com,?AclaroMeter ? App to determine ripeness of fruit