
2 machines for 6 packaging styles

Giró is aware that times are changing and it is vital to adapt to the needs of the market and the environment. There are currently two circumstances which, although quite contradictory, can converge. On the one hand, distribution is looking to make their offer more versatile, distinct and segmented, thus requiring different packaging

30 November, -0001
Giró is aware that times are changing and it is vital to adapt to the needs of the market and the environment. There are currently two circumstances which, although quite contradictory, can converge.On the one hand, distribution is looking to make their offer more versatile, distinct and segmented, thus requiring different packaging solutions. Also, packers obviously want to minimize and amortize as much as possible their equipment investment. Therefore, the only way to achieve both goals is to provide versatile machines that can produce different types of packaging.Giro is the only company in the fresh produce packing industry worldwide, offering 6 different netbag styles using only 2 bagging machines.A small investment allows the packaging plant to make 6 different netbagstyles that address the different needs of its customers. Therefore, your investment will yield a profit and be amortized faster.The first picture shows GirBagger UB-65 made bags; the second, OmegaBagger OB-10.
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