
2020 CPS Research Symposium - Session I-V Webinar Series

The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. CPS is a collaborative partnership that leverages the combined expertise of industry, government and the scientific and academic communities to focus on providing research needed to continually enhance food safety. This level of collaboration allows CPS to fill the knowledge gaps on produce food safety and address both research priorities and immediate industry needs. Event info Out of respect to the COVID-19 social distance requirements along with the demands on your time and resources, the

10 July, 2020


The?Center for Produce Safety (CPS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. CPS is a collaborative partnership that leverages the combined expertise of industry, government and the scientific and academic communities to focus on providing research needed to continually enhance food safety. This level of collaboration allows CPS to fill the knowledge gaps on produce food safety and address both research priorities and immediate industry needs. Event infoOut of respect to the COVID-19 social distance requirements along with the demands on your time and resources, the 2020 CPS Research Symposium will be held through a series of five webinars. These knowledge transfer events will begin on Tuesday, June 23. Our generous sponsors will provide complimentary registration for the series. Next seminarsTuesday July 14 10am-11:30amTuesday July 21 10am-11:30am More information and free registration by clicking HERE.
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