?Sooner or later youthful feelings of non-vulnerability pass by and we can face some challenging personal issues. Chronic illnesses are common where I live and include the likes of heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes type II and many forms of cancer. All these chronic conditions can be grouped together under one collective term: ?Diseases of Affluence?, because the evidence strongly suggests they are all lifestyle and/or primarily food borne diseases. They do not exist to any extent in less affluent human populations
?Sooner or later youthful feelings of non-vulnerability pass by and we can face some challenging personal issues. Chronic illnesses are common where I live and include the likes of heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes type II and many forms of cancer. All these chronic conditions can be grouped together under one collective term: ?Diseases of Affluence?, because the evidence strongly suggests they are all lifestyle and/or primarily food borne diseases. They do not exist to any extent in less affluent human populations existing largely on a diet of plant based foods. Such chronic illnesses are not only a daunting personal challenge for those affected but extremely serious and pressing issues for society at large. For over seven years I have been adjusting my life to live with coronary artery disease (CAD).? ? the complete text is available on the pdf below. Following his experience with coronary disease, the author, Roy McCormick, compiles existing knowledge on the effect of a diet based exclusively on plant foods and concludes that such a diet can also reverse the damage of the disease. The interest to the horticultural profession is obvious. Sources The original article, in English, which publishes the Journal of the ISHS Chronica Horticulture, in volume 52, issue 4 (2012), 2nd picture. The 1st. picture is by es.123rf.com