Cooling and CA , Measurements

ABSOGER gives training to CAMPOSOL

In November 2013, ABSOGER organized for CAMPOSOL, a major Peruvian agribusiness group, a one-week training to the use of Absoger?s PALICONTROL system. This will allow Camposol to be fully operational as soon as the running of their Palicontrol system within their plant in Peru will be done. This is planned to be on early 2014. Palicontrol is the Controlled Atmosphere long storage system running on

30 November, -0001
In November 2013, ABSOGER organized for CAMPOSOL, a major Peruvian agribusiness group, a one-week training to the use of Absoger’s PALICONTROL system (the pictures show participants in the training period). This will allow Camposol to be fully operational as soon as the running of their Palicontrol system within their plant in Peru will be done. This is planned to be on early 2014. Palicontrol is the Controlled Atmosphere long storage system running on pallets or plastic bins or any other autonomous airtightness units. Camposol is one of the main asparagus exporters worldwide, and it also exports advocado, mango, Piquillo pepper, table grape, and mandarins.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea