Cooling and CA

AEROCLEAN, to maintain a high hygiene in cold storage chambers and processing installations for minimally processed produce and other processing areas

ISOLCELL was present at Fruit Attraction 2016, showing Aeroclean, which keeps the air clean of pathogens and volatile substances, ie odours and ethylene gas. Developed to control and prevent the appearance of moulds and fungal pathogens, such as Botrytis, Penicillium,

08 November, 2016
ISOLCELL was present at Fruit Attraction 2016, showing Aeroclean, which keeps the air clean of pathogens and volatile substances, ie odours and ethylene gas. Developed to control and prevent the appearance of moulds and fungal pathogens, such as Botrytis, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Aspergillus in fruits, vegetables and other food products. Furthermore it is efficient in the abatement of harmful volatile substances, odours, and, in particular, ethylene gas (a gas that accelerates the ripening and senescence process of fruits and vegetables). The device works according to the principle of the inerting of microorganisms and pollutants in the air through the oxidation with “active oxygen” (R.O.S. = Reactive Oxygen Species). Aeroclean sanitises the storage rooms and it guarantees an important improvement of the quality and storability of fruits and vegetables, fresh and minimally processed.Aeroclean is used in cold storage chambers, packinghouses, processing plants of minimally processed, ready to eat products and other food processes. Isolcell is a specialist in Controlled Atmosphere & DCA for long and quality storage of apples and pears.      
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea