Phytosanitaries , Processing

AGRICOAT NATURESEAL launches a new website

AGRICOAT NATURESEAL launches a website with an innovative and attractive design. The information on the range of edible coatings of Agricoat NatureSeal is divided into three different sections. In addition, as a novelty, the website includes a BLOG with interesting information about healthy eating and the different uses of its range of products.

31 March, 2017
AGRICOAT NATURESEAL launches a website with an innovative and attractive design. The information on the range of edible coatings of Agricoat NatureSeal is divided into three different sections, each one corresponds to a commercial sector:- Industrial processing: NatureSeal or First Step+10 allow to maintain the quality and to extend the useful life of the minimally processed fruit, frozen, dehydrated, among other processes.- Hospitality: NatureSeal formulations prevent browning of avocado and guacamole or freshly cut fruit.- Home use: it allows to maintain the natural appearance of freshly cut fruits and vegetables, without altering its flavor and preserving all its nutrients. In addition, as a novelty, the website includes a BLOG with interesting information about healthy eating and the different uses of its range of products.
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