Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA

AgroFresh and TECNIDEX join forces to continue strengthening their postharvest leadership

AgroFresh, world leader in postharvest and company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, has reached an agreement to buy 75% of TECNIDEX. Through this agreement, TECNIDEX will continue developing its project both in Spain and in the world, while it will have all the technologies, products, research and global distribution of AgroFresh, as it becomes part of the project of this multinational.

10 November, 2017
AgroFresh, world leader in postharvest and company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, has reached an agreement to buy 75% of TECNIDEX. Through this agreement, TECNIDEX will continue developing its project both in Spain and in the world, while it will have all the technologies, products, research and global distribution of AgroFresh, as it becomes part of the project of this multinational. This agreement has been possible thanks to the fact that both companies share the same philosophy and business culture in everything related to personnel policy, research, innovation, environmental protection, customer service and dealing with suppliers. Jordi Ferré, Executive Director of AgroFresh, said: “Both companies share a strong and passionate goal in providing innovative solutions to their customers, and in the same way, both companies have grown through the work and dedication of their teams and employees”. For his part, Manuel García-Portillo, President of TECNIDEX, said that “both companies have multiple food preservation solutions that improve quality and extend life in many crops and fruits.” The human team of AgroFresh and TECNIDEX have shown great enthusiasm in this agreement as they are aware that they are taking a step forward to continue growing in the global leadership of postharvest. More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea