Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA

AgroFresh?s citrus line of post-harvest solutions protects produce, enables broader international trade

Reducing food waste is one of the main challenges facing the agricultural sector. What?s more, access to fresh fruit is crucial to people looking to boost their immune systems this winter season. AgroFresh offers a wide and deep range of solutions that guarantee the quality, health and food safety of fruits at all stages of post-harvest. Extensive experience in research, development and innovation, and a relentless focus on the customer, enables the company to offer personalized, quality service for a wide range of crops. AgroFresh solutions extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, making international trade possible and protecting produce from diseases, dehydration and skin staining, all without altering their taste and flavor properties. For citrus, AgroFresh provides a complete range of solutions, equipment and services including: · Coatings and detergents. The extensive portfolio of Teycer? coatings available from AgroFresh maintain freshness and improve appearance by reducing weight loss and delaying aging; reducing perspiration and respiration; and increasing shine. In line with the company?s commitment to sustainability, AgroFresh has developed coatings made from natural origins that preserve the planet while extending shelf life. Similarly, the use of biodegradable detergents can remove traces of dirt and other residue on the surface of the fruits. The use of these detergents is compatible with organic production in the EU. · Post-harvest solutions for microorganism protection. ActiSeal? PYR, a new solution launched in 2020, is based on Pyrimethanil. In the previous year, AgroFresh also added ActiSeal? Ph (Potassium Phosphonate) designed for the prevention of diseases during citrus storage. Other fungicide solutions include Textar?, based on Fludioxonil, Thiabendazol, Orthophenylphenol, Aluminum Fosetil and Imazalil, as well as the exclusive distribution of two key products: Scholar® (Fludioxonil) and Tecto® (Thiabendazole). This solution category also includes disinfectants used for washing fruit in water; and on surfaces, containers and equipment. Additionally, AgroFresh offers ethylene absorbers for better maturation control during storage and transport. The ethylene absorbers and the fruit washing solutions are compatible with EU organic production. · Control-Tec? equipment. AgroFresh provides application systems for fungicides, disinfectants, coatings and detergents for production lines. In addition, the company specializes in complete storage, degreening, ripening and astringency removal for all types of fruits. In response to market demands, AgroFresh has received CAAE certification, enabling Control-Tec equipment to be used during the processing of organic products in the EU. * AgroFresh is committed to the regulations of each country. Contact your local AgroFresh account manager to determine if the product or technology is registered and available in your country and under which conditions.

13 January, 2021
Reducing food waste is one of the main challenges facing the agricultural sector. What’s more, access to fresh fruit is crucial to people looking to boost their immune systems this winter season.  AGROFRESH offers a wide and deep range of solutions that guarantee the quality, health and food safety of fruits at all stages of post-harvest. Extensive experience in research, development and innovation, and a relentless focus on the customer, enables the company to offer personalized, quality service for a wide range of crops. AgroFresh solutions extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, making international trade possible and protecting produce from diseases, dehydration and skin staining, all without altering their taste and flavor properties. For citrus, AgroFresh provides a complete range of solutions, equipment and services including: Coatings and detergents. The extensive portfolio of Teycer™ coatings available from AgroFresh maintain freshness and improve appearance by reducing weight loss and delaying aging; reducing perspiration and respiration; and increasing shine. In line with the company’s commitment to sustainability, AgroFresh has developed coatings made from natural origins that preserve the planet while extending shelf life. Similarly, the use of biodegradable detergents can remove traces of dirt and other residue on the surface of the fruits. The use of these detergents is compatible with organic production in the EU. Post-harvest solutions for microorganism protection. ActiSeal™ PYR, a new solution launched in 2020, is based on Pyrimethanil. In the previous year, AgroFresh also added ActiSeal™ Ph (Potassium Phosphonate) designed for the prevention of diseases during citrus storage. Other fungicide solutions include Textar™, based on Fludioxonil, Thiabendazol, Orthophenylphenol, Aluminum Fosetil and Imazalil, as well as the exclusive distribution of two key products: Scholar® (Fludioxonil) and Tecto® (Thiabendazole). This solution category also includes disinfectants used for washing fruit in water; and on surfaces, containers and equipment. Additionally, AgroFresh offers ethylene absorbers for better maturation control during storage and transport.  The ethylene absorbers and the fruit washing solutions are compatible with EU organic production. Control-Tec™ equipment. AgroFresh provides application systems for fungicides, disinfectants, coatings and detergents for production lines. In addition, the company specializes in complete storage, degreening, ripening and astringency removal for all types of fruits. In response to market demands, AgroFresh has received CAAE certification, enabling Control-Tec equipment to be used during the processing of organic products in the EU. * AgroFresh is committed to the regulations of each country. Contact your local AgroFresh account manager to determine if the product or technology is registered and available in your country and under which conditions.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea