
Already available the Postharvest Directory 2014/2015, Spanish version

The updated version of the Directorio Poscosecha 2014/15 (Postharvest Directory) is now available. As has been doing since 1998, contains updated information for growers, packers, exporters, processors, technicians, suppliers, advisers, distributors and supermarkets. Leading companies working internationally show its equipments, materials and services to preserve the quality of produce, hygiene control, cool chambers, ripening, degreening, grading, minimaly processing, processing, packaging

05 November, 2020


The updated version of the Directorio Poscosecha 2014/15 (Postharvest Directory) is now available. As has been doing since 1998, contains updated information for growers, packers, exporters, processors, technicians, suppliers, advisers, distributors and supermarkets. Leading companies working internationally show its equipments, materials and services to preserve the quality of produce, hygiene control, cool chambers, ripening, degreening, grading, minimaly processing, processing, packaging equipment, packagin materials, measuring instruments, media, etc. Earlier this year it was first released the fully English language version of the Postharvest Directory; you can access to it by clicking HERE. If you wish to access to the Directorio Poscosecha version, updated now, please click HERE. Users of this version are mainly from Spain, Portugal and Latin America. You find the "Download" option entering through "Share". Most of these participating companies also show their products constantly updated in the Internet Portals? (English), and (Spanish), with a weekly newsletters,?Postharvest News (sent on Monday) and Postcosecha News (sent on Tuesday). We wish this version is useful for all the readers. ?
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