Brother and sister team Joseph and Joyce Ceravolo play complimentary roles as Food Technologist and Production Manager respectively at Ashton Valley Fresh, the juicing arm of Ceravolo Orchards, South Australia. They have been jointly awarded the Rising Star of the Year Award for their role in developing a new spray system to dispense enzymes more efficiently into their mash tank to improve the recovery of juice. After identifying the inefficiency of their current juicing plant in delivering enzymes, which are used to break down
Brother and sister team Joseph and Joyce Ceravolo play complimentary roles as Food Technologist and Production Manager respectively at Ashton Valley Fresh, the juicing arm of Ceravolo Orchards, South Australia. They have been jointly awarded the Rising Star of the Year Award for their role in developing a new spray system to dispense enzymes more efficiently into their mash tank to improve the recovery of juice. After identifying the inefficiency of their current juicing plant in delivering enzymes, which are used to break down apple fruit fibres to extract juice, Joyce and Joseph pulled together a multi-disciplinary team to design and build an improved enzyme delivery system. The new system has increased their juice extraction rate, reduced expenditure on enzymes and improved business profitability. Joseph and Joyce Ceravolo are one of the 10 winners of APAL's 2015 National Awards for Excellence, announced at the Gala Night of the 2015 National Horticulture Convention. "The Board would like to congratulate all the winners of APAL's awards and to thank them for their outstanding and special contributions to our industry," said APAL Chair Michele Allan. "The dedication and commitment each of our nominees displayed in a range of areas within the apple and pear industry is encouraging and excites us about our future." Winners of the 2015 APAL National Awards for Excellence were:?? Grower of the Year Award: Brad Fankhauser?? Young Grower of the Year Award: Joel Brockhoff?? Rising Star of the Year Award: Joyce Ceravolo and Joseph Ceravolo?? Women in Horticulture Award: Susie Green?? Environmental Award: Peter Radevski?? Innovative Marketing Award: Dane Griggs?? Researcher of the Year Award: Dr Heidi Parkes?? Productivity Partner Award: Andrew Maughan?? Industry Impact Award: Jesse Reader?? Lifetime Achievement Award: John Lawrenson. More about the winners SourceAPAL, Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.