
Analytica Alimentaria protection measures for CoVid-19

Esteemed customers and providers, We hope you are well and can continue being active in the food safety service, including in this very particular and difficult situation caused by the Coronavirus crisis. We are known as a reliable service provider in the field of food safety, and we feel committed not only to our clients coming from private industry, but also to consumers and, thereby, public institutions. This is the reason that in the past we have maintained a constructive relationship of complete confidence.

24 November, 2020
Esteemed customers and providers, We hope you are well and can continue being active in the food safety service, including in this very particular and difficult situation caused by the Coronavirus crisis.  ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA is known as a reliable service provider in the field of food safety, and we feel committed not only to our clients coming from private industry, but also to consumers and, thereby, public institutions. This is the reason that in the past we have maintained a constructive relationship of complete confidence.   As a private research laboratory, we are an important link within the food supply chain and, therefore, we are considered in Germany as “relevant for the system” and in Spain as “essential”. The supply is only ensured if the food is also safe.  This was confirmed once again through a press release from the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture on 12 October 2020: “Precisely in times of crisis, food safety occupies first place.”  For this reason, we consider it our duty to continue our work in our headquarters in Germany (sampling and analysis), Spain (sampling and analysis) and other countries (only sampling), also in these times of crisis.   Therefore, we have established a wide range of measures that make possible the highest level of safety for our employees and for all who are in contact with them. In our understanding these measures are appropriate for impeding a possible closure of our establishments. In the attached document we have explained our concept. We are delighted to be at your disposal at every moment for possible consultation or support in the case of possible application in your company.   Despite all these measures, not all factors are in our hands. For this reason, in recent weeks we have not been able to prevent our some of our employees from becoming infected by CoVid-19 in the private sphere. Our measures have led to not even one colleague being infected in our facilities. Our highly effective testing system has been accepted and praised by the corresponding health organizations. Laboratory work has been able to be maintained, which demands the presence of many employees. However, due to these circumstances, we have not been able to avoid the occurrence of personnel difficulties. The described circumstances, as well as other possible new measures issued by the governments (mobility limitations, stricter quarantine rules, ...) can lead to other difficult situations in the future.  In relation to this we would like to receive your understanding and support.  We would like for us to confront together the essential task of ensuring food, through mutual support of each other with more effective communication, full confidence and with the corresponding understanding during this special situation, so that we may confront the new needs constructively!Sincerely, ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea