
Arrival of fresh and high quality fruit to Guangzhou with Paclife technology

When we talk about exporting Chilean fruit, one of the main destinations is China. It is one of the most important and exclusive markets in the world, however, distance and its demands make it difficult to move, making it necessary to use specialized technology to protect the fruits.

22 September, 2020
When we talk about exporting Chilean fruit, one of the main destinations is China. It is one of the most important and exclusive markets in the world, however, distance and its demands make it difficult to move, making it necessary to use specialized technology to protect the fruits. PACLIFE has worked the field to understand and analyze the conditions that make up the Asian market and the difficulties involved in arriving with fresh and innocuous fruit to destinations such as Guangzhou, creating smart packaging that allows impeccable results, as the one seen this 2020 season. Fresh, turgid and innocuous fruits are the results Paclife delivers, thanks to its more than 35 years of experience working with the export industry, through efficient and safe processes, and supporting our clients in crucial fruit arrivals. It fills us with satisfaction to know that our clients are arriving impeccably in destinations as complicated as Guangzhou. China is a fundamental destination for Chilean fruit, being one of the most important and exclusive markets in the world. Aware of the dimensions of the Chinese market, Paclife has been present every year to receive and support its clients in crucial fruit arrivals, allowing us to understand and analyze the conditions in situ, demands and evolutions that make up the Asian market. Our expertise and presence has allowed us to develop tools that provide greater security, efficiency, scope and control in the process of sending vegetable products to distant markets, obtaining evident results, where fruits without dehydration, turgid, innocuous, fresh fruits and without smells. The Chinese know this, and they cannot help smiling when they realize that their fruit arrived in perfect condition.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea