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Avoid potato bruising and increase profit

From preparing the soil for planting, to how potatoes are stored, every step along the way is important. It is difficult to avoid bruising completely, but this guide can help minimise the risk. The guide, by WYMA, "How to reduce the impact of potato bruising on profitability", identifies types of potato bruising (shatter bruise, blackspot bruise, pressure bruise, skinning & feathering), gives tips for protecting potatoes during planting and post-harvest, and recommends processing equipment to keep your produce safe from damage. The guide includes tips on how to avoid potato bruising: - Before planting

04 April, 2019
From preparing the soil for planting, to how potatoes are stored, every step along the way is important. It is difficult to avoid bruising completely, but this guide can help minimise the risk. The guide, by WYMA, "How to reduce the impact of potato bruising on profitability", identifies types of potato bruising (shatter bruise, blackspot bruise, pressure bruise, skinning & feathering), gives tips for protecting potatoes during planting and post-harvest, and recommends processing equipment to keep your produce safe from damage. The guide includes tips on how to avoid potato bruising:- Before planting- While planting- During growing season- During pre-harvest preparation- When harvesting- While handling- In storageTo download the guide, please, click HERE.  
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