
Banana treated with postharvest dipping with gibberellic acid 150 ppm significantly increased the shelf life

An investigation entitled Effect of chemicals and growth regulators on shelf life and quality of banana cv. Grand Naine? was carried out in the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomised Design with ten treatments applied by postharvest dipping fruits and replicated thrice. Various physico-chemical parameters like physiological loss in weight, fruit spoilage percentage, firmness, pulp to peel ratio, TSS, total sugars, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar, titrable acidity and ascorbic acid were analysed at 3 days interval. The results of the study revealed that the fruits treated with Gibberellic acid @ 150 ppm significantly increased the shelf

01 June, 2020


An investigation entitled Effect of chemicals and growth regulators on shelf life and quality of banana cv. Grand Naine? was carried out in the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomised Design with ten treatments applied by postharvest dipping fruits and replicated thrice. Various physico-chemical parameters like physiological loss in weight, fruit spoilage percentage, firmness, pulp to peel ratio, TSS, total sugars, reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar, titrable acidity and ascorbic acid were analysed at 3 days interval. The results of the study revealed that the fruits treated with Gibberellic acid @ 150 ppm significantly increased the shelf life up to 18.64 days and reduced the physiological loss in weight, fruit spoilage percentage and maintains the good marketable colour. Among the chemical parameters, the maximum total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, titrable acidity and ascorbic acid content were recorded in the fruits treated with gibberellic acid @ 150 ppm (T4) when compared to control and other treatments. SourcesEFFECT OF CHEMICALS AND GROWTH REGULATORS ON SHELF LIFE?AND QUALITY OF BANANA CV. GRAND NAINEJ. Kowsalya and M. RajkumarDepartment of Horticulture, Annamalai University?Annamalainagar, Chidambaram-608 002, Tamilnadu, IndiaEmail .Hortiraj2002@yahoo.comPlant Archives Vol. 19, Supplement 2, 2019 pp. 832-834,2019/149__832-834_.pdfThe figure shows the treatments and is available in good quality in the original source.
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