
Beneficial microorganisms for the control of pre- and post-harvest microbial diseases in Citrus

Citrus trees are vulnerable to several pre- and post-harvest diseases caused by microbial pathogens. Concerns regarding food safety and human health increase the demand for the development of new environment-friendly technologies for food production and storage. In this context, research on biocontrol techniques have been presenting promising results in the control of pre- and post-harvest diseases in plants. There are reports of promising results from the screening of new microbial strains with high biocontrol potential against the main citrus diseases.

02 February, 2023


Citrus trees are vulnerable to several pre- and post-harvest diseases caused by microbial pathogens. Concerns regarding food safety and human health increase the demand for the development of new environment-friendly technologies for food production and storage. In this context, research on biocontrol techniques have been presenting promising results in the control of pre- and post-harvest diseases in plants. There are reports of promising results from the screening of new microbial strains with high biocontrol potential against the main citrus diseases. The numbers of patent requests and new microbial formulations in the market have also been growing. Thus, this review presents previous research on microbial antagonists and discusses strategies for the use of biocontrol techniques in the management of citrus diseases. SourcesBiological control of pre- and post-harvest microbial diseases in Citrus by using beneficial microorganismsMarcio Alves de Sousa & Camille Eichelberger Granada BioControl (2022)., Decco
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