
Benefits of using modified atmosphere packaging on organic Hayward kiwifruit

The technical department of PACLIFE, together with collaborators of an important exporter, carried out a study of the behaviour of organic kiwis of the Hayward variety in modified atmosphere packaging. The results are encouraging and show that this technology can guarantee the preservation and safety of organic fruit. This study was carried out in Chile, where two types of packaging were tested for 48 and 60 days. On this occasion, they tried to simulate the arrival conditions of the fruit, in addition to shipping pallets with Thermodynamic Paclife bags and from another supplier to the Netherlands.

20 September, 2021
The technical department of PACLIFE, together with collaborators of an important exporter, carried out a study of the behaviour of organic kiwis of the Hayward variety in modified atmosphere packaging. The results are encouraging and show that this technology can guarantee the preservation and safety of organic fruit. This study was carried out in Chile, where two types of packaging were tested for 48 and 60 days. On this occasion, they tried to simulate the arrival conditions of the fruit, in addition to shipping pallets with Thermodynamic Paclife bags and from another supplier to the Netherlands. In this way it was demonstrated that Paclife's modified atmosphere packs show 4% to 22% less weight loss compared to other suppliers, with no condensation or rotting inside the pack. While fruit firmness decreased by only 21% with Paclife and with other suppliers by 35% and 46%. The results are accurate in demonstrating that Paclife's MAP technology is able to preserve fresh and firm kiwifruit for 90 days, achieving dehydration levels of less than 1%. The rapid formation of atmosphere inside the pack protects the fruit in less time, maintaining safe gas levels throughout the storage period, even in situations of poor control or handling.
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