Packaging , Processing , Services

Bizerba at the EuroCIS 2018: Welcome to Retail 4.0

Digitization is of key importance for the future of the modern retail business. Online and stationary sales continue to merge, and information and products alike are permanently available thanks to Omnichannel. Accompanied by growing customer expectations, this results in specific challenges for retailers. Under the overriding motto ?Building Bridges ? from online to offline?, BIZERBA takes the occasion of the EuroCIS to demonstrate how retail 4.0 can be made a reality.

13 February, 2018
Digitization is of key importance for the future of the modern retail business. Online and stationary sales continue to merge, and information and products alike are permanently available thanks to Omnichannel. Accompanied by growing customer expectations, this results in specific challenges for retailers. Under the overriding motto “Building Bridges – from online to offline”, BIZERBA takes the occasion of the EuroCIS to demonstrate how retail 4.0 can be made a reality. Retail Made Easy by Retail Framework and Cloud SolutionTrends including the internet of things, big data and predictive maintenance are becoming more and more important. However, retailers are facing new challenges due to the massive amounts of data generated by these approaches. Bizerba offers appropriate software solutions for device management and monitoring. For instance, RetailControl can be used for scale monitoring, maintenance and management. Added transparency is achieved by the automatic detection and installation of connected devices and systems. Time and cost savings are achieved by centralized control and update installation. Furthermore, transparent real-time monitoring provides users with a constant overview of all device data. Thanks to the use of open standards, the software not only addresses new IT and device infrastructures but is also easy to integrate into existing store structures and business processes. As a universal tool, the RetailConnect interface software is an optimum complement in this context, converting data from any sources to enable communication between host systems and end devices. In addition, internal processes are accelerated by the cloud connection. For instance, if the label roll of a scale in the self-service area is almost expired, a PaperNearEnd alert will automatically be issued and a service ticket will be generated via the cloud connection. Mobile Online and Offline: The Modular RetailApp ApproachBizerba’s modular RetailApp approach enables retailers to quickly and flexibly respond to the needs of the digital retail business and to meet their customers’ request for information and transparency. For instance, today’s customers want to know the origin and content of the goods. RetailApp TraceListing enables a flexible management of origin data. Origin-related data of any articles can be accessed directly from the scale, making them up-to-date and traceable. RetailApp IngredientFinder provides appropriate information about many products, allergens and ingredients. For instance, products containing specific allergens can be filtered out by an exclusive search. The search criteria can be refined based on pre-defined keywords without being restricted to allergens. Merging online and offline sales is no problem, either thanks to RetailApp EasyOrder which connects the customer’s web shop to the fresh-food counter in the store. Customer orders received digitally can be captured and processed directly at the store scale, providing retailers with a new sales channel in addition to the stationary sales, with the added benefit of more efficient processes in the fresh-food sector. Retail 4.0 at the Fresh-Food Counter, in the Self-Service Area and at the Self-CheckoutApart from the fresh-food sector, the self-service processes in the bread and bakery segment are important to customers. RetailApp WeightCheck checks or calculates quantities, enabling it to identify the number of biscuits on the scale at the time of measurement. RetailApp TimedAction, in turn, enables the time-controlled display of messages and the execution of campaigns at the scale. For instance, the sales staff can be efficiently reminded to regularly check the counter’s showcase. Self-Checkout not only improves the shopping process but can also be used to achieve a better shopping experience. In cooperation with SuperSmart, an Israel-based start-up, Bizerba will present a self-checkout solution including an algorithm-based, self-learning weighing system. While they are shopping, customers use their smartphones to scan the barcodes of their products. At the checkout, the shopping basket is then checked using an algorithm based on weight, a camera and data stored in the system. The need for flexibility is reflected by Bizerba’s individually combinable service offerings: The service packages offered under the ‘My Bizerba’ label can be compiled by customers according to their individual needs and requirements. Instead of buying hardware or software, customers can implement pay-per-use models within the My Bizerba framework, based on an individually configurable portfolio of availability, maintenance and lifecycle management. Powerful and Customizable: The Pro SeriesBizerba will also present the scales of the new Pro series at the EuroCIS. High performance is provided by the open PC platform based on a powerful Intel quad-core processor. The large memory provides ample space for implementing new features or individual requirements. Third-party software can also be used seamlessly. About BizerbaBizerba offers its customers in industry, trade, and logistics a globally unique solutions portfolio of hardware and software around the central value "weight". This portfolio includes products and solutions related to slicing, processing, weighing, cashing, checking, commissioning and labeling. A wide range of services from consulting and service, labels and consumables to leasing complete the portfolio. Since 1866 Bizerba has made a significant contribution to the developments in the area of weighing technology and today is represented in 120 countries. The customer base includes globally operating companies in trade and industry as well as retailers, bakeries and butcheries. With around 3.900 employees worldwide and with its headquarters in Balingen, Baden Wuerttemberg, Bizerba has been in the same family for five generations. Additional production facilities are located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, China and USA. Bizerba also has a global network of sales and service locations. More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea