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Bizerba installs showcase project for Scan & Go Loss Prevention in Spain

Countless stores use self-checkout solutions where customers scan their products themselves and pay contactlessly. This saves staff in the checkout area and frees up space that can be used more effectively. However, there is a well-known problem with self-checkout: many errors occur during scanning, resulting in enormous losses for retailers. In some places, conventional Scan & Go solutions are already being uninstalled for precisely this reason. It makes sense that Bizerba, as an innovative solution provider, uses its experience and expertise in the retail sector to develop digital solutions for such well-known problems. The Scan & Go Loss Prevention System "Supersmart powered by Bizerba" consists of intelligent hardware components and AI-based software that optimizes checkout times and processes at the point of sale while drastically reducing sales losses due to shrinkage. The smart solution has already been successfully rolled out in many countries including Israel, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Turkey in recent years. In addition, several promising pilot projects are currently underway, for example in Germany, the USA, Poland, Brazil and Vietnam.

06 December, 2022
Countless stores use self-checkout solutions where customers scan their products themselves and pay contactlessly. This saves staff in the checkout area and frees up space that can be used more effectively. However, there is a well-known problem with self-checkout: many errors occur during scanning, resulting in enormous losses for retailers. In some places, conventional Scan & Go solutions are already being uninstalled for precisely this reason.It makes sense that Bizerba, as an innovative solution provider, uses its experience and expertise in the retail sector to develop digital solutions for such well-known problems. The Scan & Go Loss Prevention System "Supersmart powered by Bizerba" consists of intelligent hardware components and AI-based software that optimizes checkout times and processes at the point of sale while drastically reducing sales losses due to shrinkage.The smart solution has already been successfully rolled out in many countries including Israel, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Turkey in recent years. In addition, several promising pilot projects are currently underway, for example in Germany, the USA, Poland, Brazil and Vietnam.Significant installation in SpainComercial Jesuman, one of the leading food retailers in the Canary Islands, has also recognized the importance of such technologies for improving the shopping experience and increasing sales. That is why Supersmart from BIZERBA has now been installed there, for the first time in Spain. The solution for Jesuman, which includes all components from a single source, is a showcase project for the hardware and software manufacturer Bizerba.Using an app specially tailored for Jesuman, end customers can scan products before they are placed in the shopping cart. Every single item which is offered on the approximately 700 square meters, is stored in the Supersmart software with all details. Based on this data and with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies, the contents of an entire shopping cart can be checked and validated within a few seconds. This eliminates the inconvenience of loading and unloading products in the checkout area and greatly reduces waiting times. At the same time, the retailer can be sure that the contents of the cart match the items recorded and paid for, and that errors are reliably detected during scanning.Great potential in EuropeWith this first Supersmart installation in Spain, it is becoming visible there how the shopper experience is becoming future-proof. "We have not just installed a pilot project here," explains Hendrik Ohse, Director Global Software Sales at Bizerba. "On the one hand, the concept will soon be rolled out to other stores, and on the other hand, this successful project has already attracted the attention of many other grocery retailers and chains," Ohse continues: "Some interested parties from Spain and other European countries have already announced visits to Jesuman to see the solution live and in action". 
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea